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Beauty Tips With Cucumber

If during this time we knew cucumber only as a complement in the vegetable salad, now there is another benefit of cucumbers that You need to know, cucumbers got more value to the care of beauty. Here are a few beauty tips that you can get from cucumber.Cucumber Astringent

One easy way to reduce the sparkle oil in oily skin:
Cut 1/2 cucumber, peeled and input in a blender and blend until smooth. Apply on face and leave for 15 minutes. Flush with cold water and Pat-Pat lightly face up to dry.

Cucumber Mask – Avocados

This Formula works for everything: care, shrink the pores, skin cells and help lift the dead man as well as making the skin more fresh.

Blend all ingredients until smooth:
1/2 cup of grated cucumber
1/2 cup of avocados
1 egg white
2 teaspoons of powdered milk.

Cool it for 30 minutes, then apply it on face and neck. Let stand for 30 minutes, then flush with warm water. A splash of cold water and Pat-Pat thereafter until dry.

Skin Cleansing Mask

If You are generally problematic with smudges on the face, a mask will help you prevent it.

Blend until smooth materials:

1/2 cucumber, peeled
1 tablespoon of nonfat milk
1 tablespoon yogurt

Apply on face and let stand for 20 minutes, then flush with water.

Treatment For Skin Shine

If your skin is dull and oily, this one will help the recipe to make the skin look more radiant and glowing.

1 teaspoon butter cucumbers
Add a little rose water

Apply on face and leave for 15 minutes, then flush with warm water.

Relieve Eye Sembab
Sleep deprivation usually make our eyes so sembab, but no need to worry about cucumbers can help solve this problem.

Cut two slices of cucumber, lying and layout of these pieces in the right of each of your eyes. Leave for 15 minutes, and lift.

Reduce Dark Circles under Eyes Petals

1. Apply butter cucumbers, could on its own or mixed with carrot juice at the dark circles under the eyes. Leave for 20 minutes and then flush with cold water.

2. mix together the butter cucumber with milk and chill for 30 minutes. Apply at the bottom of the eye and let stand for 20 minutes. Flush with cold water.

Cucumbers are durable, so be sure to use any such beauty recipes above as soon as it is. Good luck.

11 joins to this post:

  1. wow beauty niche

    optimasi pak biar jadi no 1 google , tentang blog itu udah lama pak tapi disembunyiin dibawa bw ke luar negeri saja supaya kliknya juga bagus

  2. bisa dipraktekkan ke pria gak ya..??

  3. ingin juga tampil cantik dg merawat wajah seperti ini ....

  4. duh, ngebayangin Mr Nyach make masker alpukat dan timun.. hehehe.. lucu kali yah?

  5. berkunjung sob..salam blogger
    salam kenal dan sukses selalu ..:)

  6. Okey... Selain mentimun and alpokat, pake madu juga bagus pak :D


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