Ponytail, or commonly referred to as horsetail. Variations of this hair is still growing to this day. Originally evolved from the 18th century in Europe and is now a symbol of feminine strength.
Pixie, often also referred to as pieces of tomboy. Popularized by Mia Farrow and United Kingdom model Twiggy. Until this very second, pixie cuts are still a favorite of women.
Perm, a radical version of this hair could you see on television shows American 80s. development, Now with the hair perm model can be applied with a wave of more rare. Not more curly like antiquity.
Beehive, adapting the shape of a beehive on the tow-volume, fashion hair has grown since the 1960s with Audrey Hepburn as trendsetters. Until recently, fashion hair is considered to be one of the most enduring in the world.
Bob, this piece from the phenomenon of short hair that many European women elected. Popular in America around the early 20s and caused controversy as the identity of the woman at the time. Bob is currently the fashion hair the most widely chosen because of its simplicity does not release the value of the elegant and classic.
Bangs, originating from: Bettie Page hairstyle in the 50s which then spread throughout the world. A variant of this is now an assortment of hair.
Pixie, often also referred to as pieces of tomboy. Popularized by Mia Farrow and United Kingdom model Twiggy. Until this very second, pixie cuts are still a favorite of women.
Perm, a radical version of this hair could you see on television shows American 80s. development, Now with the hair perm model can be applied with a wave of more rare. Not more curly like antiquity.
Beehive, adapting the shape of a beehive on the tow-volume, fashion hair has grown since the 1960s with Audrey Hepburn as trendsetters. Until recently, fashion hair is considered to be one of the most enduring in the world.
Bob, this piece from the phenomenon of short hair that many European women elected. Popular in America around the early 20s and caused controversy as the identity of the woman at the time. Bob is currently the fashion hair the most widely chosen because of its simplicity does not release the value of the elegant and classic.
Bangs, originating from: Bettie Page hairstyle in the 50s which then spread throughout the world. A variant of this is now an assortment of hair.
eh ya bener juga ya oom :D